AWS Academy

Amazon is one of the pioneers in Cloud Services. The industry is keenly focussing on obtaining trained cadidates into the cloud platform. Education Institutions are craving to coach the stusnts in par with industry. It is here that both Academia and Industry bond together into partnership for the benefit of student community. Kindly find the details regarding the same from Hindu Business line. Sri Sairam Engineering College has signed an MOU with AWS in association with ICT. As an AWS Academy the Institution has a mission to train the students on AWS and create trained professionals on AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Associate. This is one of the prominnent certificate course provided by AWS.

Cloud Literacy Day (Conducted in October Every Year, since 2018)

Every year October month is celebrated as Cloud literacy month by Amazon Web Services AWS & ICTACT. On this occasion the Sri Sai Ram Engineering College conducted Cloud Literacy Day on October 9th 2019 & 10th 2018. Students are encouraged to pursue learning process online and earn badges awarded by AWS. About 85 students pursued Fundamentals in AWS.

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Inaugural of Virtual Student Certification Program on “Cloud Solutions Architect Associate (AWS)”


Inaugural of Virtual Student Certification Program on “Cloud Solutions Architect Associate (AWS)” in association with ICT Academy, and AWS Academy on 28.9.2020 was conducted through Zoom meetplatform by 11:00A.M.

Students from Sri Sairam Engineerring College and Sri Sairam Institute of Technology are undergoing the training Progarm. The students are from various disciplines like CSE, IT, ECE and E & I. The students are to be trained in “Cloud Solutions Architect Associate (AWS)” for 40 hrs for Amazon AWS online certification exam. They are to attend a 40 hrs training from the Inaugural date. 50 students are to be trained in the student certification program.

Resource Persons for the program :

  1. Vishram Thatte,

(Technical Program Manager, AWS Academy , India)

  1. Venkatsh G,

(Head Academic Operations, ICT Academy)

  1. Dineshkumar Gandhi ,

(Senior Technical Trainer, ICT Academy)

About the Course