Sairam SDG INNOVATHON 2.0 ( 20.03.2024 & 21.03.2024)

The Innovathon 2.0 Grand Finale, Pitch Fest, and Award Ceremony, an ambitious initiative aimed at fostering mass entrepreneurship within an Engineering & Technology campus, took place on March 20th and 21st, 2024, at the Sri Leo Muthu Indoor Stadium. The event was a vibrant and groundbreaking gathering, featuring 2042 participants whose projects were evaluated based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 18 external panel members from the industry.

The Chief Guest for the event was Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal-Entrepreneur Education at the Wadhwani Foundation, and the Guest of Honour was Mr. Panneerselvam Madanagopal, Senior Advisor at T-Hub. Dr. Sai Prakash Leo Muthu, Chairman & CEO of Sairam Institutions, also addressed the gathering, highlighting the significance and impact of this initiative. The event successfully showcased the innovative spirit of the participants and underscored the campus’s commitment to generating mass entrepreneurship.