Internal Quality Assurance Cell
IQAC in the institution was constituted in the academic year 2012 with a view to initiate, plan and supervise different activities which are important to maintain and improve the quality of education imparted, which is well defined in the quality policy of the institution. IQAC has member representatives from the top management, teaching, students and stake holders for getting diversified suggestions for continuous improvement. IQAC is a significant body of the institution which monitors the process of teaching, learning and evaluation. It takes the responsibility of generating and promoting awareness in the institution regarding multi level quality sustenance activities and implementing new ones for attaining excellence.
The objective of IQAC is to ensure quality standards in teaching, learning and evaluation patterns and related activities. IQAC administers various new academic activities to supplement the existing practices. Further, it encourages activities in the co-curricular and extra-curricular spheres.
Functions & Responsibilities
- Developing ethical work culture in the Institute
- Improving the academic and administrative performance of the Institution
- Organizing inter and intra Institutional Workshops, Seminars, Project Exhibition and Research activities
- Playing as a nodal agency of the institute for coordinating various activities ensuring quality including adoption and dissemination of best methods and practices
- Ensuring a learner-centric ambience conducive for quality education and for continual improvement
- Emphasize faculty expertise to adopt the knowledge, technology and innovations for participatory teaching and learning process
- Inviting suggestions and recommendations from students, parents and stakeholders on quality emphasizing institutional policies & processes
- Documentation of all the activities leading to quality improvement
Name | Category | Designation | Position in IQAC |
Shri. Sai Prakash LeoMuthu | Management | Chairman and CEO | Management Representative |
Mr. R. Sathish Kumar | Management | CBO | Management Representative |
Mr. K. Naresh Raj | Management | CIO | Management Representative |
Dr. J. Raja | Head of the Institution | Principal | Member Secretary |
Dr.A.Rajendra Prasad | Administrative Officer | Dean (Student Affairs) | Member |
Dr.K.Maran | Administrative Officer | Director / SIMS | Member |
Dr.J.Raja | Administrative Officer | Dean (Academics) & HOD / ECE | Member |
Dr. C. R. Rene Robin | Administrative Officer | Dean (Innovation) | Member |
Dr. L. Arunachalam | Administrative Officer | Dean (TAP Cell) | Member |
Ms. N. Shivaani Varsha | Faculty | Assoc. Prof / ECE | Member |
Mr. K. Mohanraj | Faculty | Asst. Prof / ICE | Member |
Dr. R. Uma | Faculty | Professor / CSE | Member |
Mr. R. Devakandhan | Faculty | Asst. Prof / Civil | Member |
Dr. M. Nithya | Faculty | Professor & HOD/ M.Tech (CSE) | Member |
Dr.A.Sanjeevi Gandhi | Faculty | Assoc. Prof / EEE | Member |
Mr.L.Ravikumar | Faculty | Asst. Prof / MECH | Member |
Mr. V. Prabhu | Faculty | Asst. Prof. / MECH | Member |
Dr. S. Susila Sakthy | Faculty | Assoc. Prof / IT | Member |
Ms. T. Sathya | Faculty | Asst. Prof / CSBS | Member |
Mr. S. Sivamurugan | Faculty | Asst. Prof / AIDS | Member |
Dr. I. Vimal Kannan | Faculty | Asst. Prof / Mech & Automation | Member |
Dr. B. Keerthana | Faculty | Asst. Prof / MBA | Member |
Ms. R. Gayathri | Faculty | | Member |
Dr. P.Nataraj | Faculty | Asst. Prof / Mathematics | Member |
Dr. N. Srinivasan @ Arunsankar | Faculty | Assoc. Prof / Physics | Member |
Dr .Valarmathy.G | Faculty | Asst.Prof/CSE (IOT) | Member |
Dr.K.Shri Dhivya Krishnan | Faculty | Asst.Prof/CSE (AIML) | Member |
Dr.P.K.Kumar | Faculty | Physical Director | Member |
Mr. T.G. Nagarajan | Local Society | Ward member / Poonthandalam Village | Member from Local Society |
Ms. V. Annapurani | Alumni | Alumni/EIE (Batch 2010 - 2014) passed out | Alumni member |
Mr. R.Selvam | Expert from Industry | Secretary, TIEMA & Director, Chennai Auto Ancillary Industrial Infrastructure upgradation company, Chennai | Industry Expert member |
Mr. Balaji CR | Expert from Industry | Senior Manager QA/ESAB India Limited, Chennai | Industry Expert member |
Dr. G. Sai Narayanan | Expert from Industry | DGM, R&D, HCL Technologies Ltd, Chennai | Industry Expert member |
Vishal N SEC21CS016 | Student | Batch (2021 -2025) Third Yr. / CSE | Student member |
Dr. K.Nirmala | Parent (Ms. V.Sahana , II Yr. / ECE Dept. (SEC22EC003) Batch (2022 -2026) | Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, SSN college of Engineering | Member |
Dr. K. Parvatham | Faculty | Professor / Maths Dept. | Co-ordinator |
Dr. S. Durgadevi | Faculty | Assoc. Prof / EIE | Co-Coordinator |

NAAC Collaboration NEP 2020 Implementation using Change Management Concept in Higher Education Institutes on 21st April 2022 through Online Mode.
Chief Guest: Dr. Prasanth R. Nair, Vice Chairman – IQAC & Associate professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amritha Vishwa Visdyapeetham,Coimbatore